Illegal Immigrants in America
I received an e-mail about the problem of illegal immigrants in America. It talked about the economic strain that it was putting on America’s resources. This was my response to that e-mail. I believe that Corporate America is responsible for the influx of illegal immigrants in America. I think that it is important to wake the average US citizen up to that fact. If you agree, feel free to copy this information and help to get this message out by republishing it on your blog, e-mail it to your friends or share it in any manner that you want. You can select this text and copy it, then paste it into Microsoft Word and probably any other word processing program.
Dear XXXX,
I agree about the illegal immigrants in our country. Everyone talks about the burden that it is putting on our system but I believe the real issue is being ignored.
I walked into a building on 23rd street last Saturday, 4/2/06 right here in Oklahoma City, to see wall to wall people filling out paperwork. I read on the wall, in Spanish, that this was the consulate for Guatemala. Since when does an official government office, stay open on a Saturday?
I empathize with people wanting to better their lives. I am not a prejudice person. You know that I love the Spanish language and culture, so this is not about being prejudice towards any group of people. The real issue here is Corporate America shipping these people in by the truck loads which is why we have this problem in the first place. I know this because a driver got scared when I was living in New Mexico and abandoned an eighteen wheeler, leaving the trailer locked and filled with illegal immigrants. Of course, the entire trailer load of people died! Using an eighteen wheeler to get these people into this country indicates to me that big money is behind this. I understand this because I drove a truck for thirty-five years.
These big corporations go do business in countries that expect to pay their people a dollar a day. Then they want to bring that idea back to America and force that it down our throats whether we like it or not. A good way to force the labor prices down is to flood the labor market with cheap laborers. We are getting real close to having a dictatorship by Corporate America right here in this country.
They force slavery on the uneducated laborers knowing that most of them are not educated enough to speak up or fight back. Or they are so afraid of losing their livelihood that they don’t dare speak up. That is if they are even smart enough to figure out that they are being forced into slavery in the first place. I know from personal experience in the trucking industry that they utilize the ploy of being a "real he-man" to keep the drivers from using their brains. You would think that most people would be smart enough to figure out that if they can't control enough of their own time to take the time to stop for a shower everyday that that is more like slavery than a job. Truck drivers are so afraid of not being viewed as “real he-men” that they ridicule anyone who tries to stand up for their right to be treated like a human being. When the practice of not allowing your employees time to take a shower becomes so ingrained that people accept and expect it, they will start on the next level of laborers. No one seems to understand this or if they do they don’t have the courage to stand up to their bosses and speak out about what they are doing.
If someone does find that kind of courage they count on their ability to discredit the person so no one will believe what they say while they merrily continue with their insidious plan to enslave the lower classes in America. I keep trying to tell everyone what they are doing but everyone seems to think that I am Chicken Little running around saying, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
This isn't about being prejudice against anyone. It is about protecting our right to FREEDOM in America.
They tried to eradicate the Jews in Germany and most of the Jews never fought back because they could not believe that things were as bad as they were. When they finally realized how bad it was it was too late to fight back. It looks like people will always take the easy way out and try to hope for the best no matter what country they live in.
As long as everyone who has a nice safe career refuses to look at what is being done to the lower classes, Corporate America will continue to erode our FREEDOM.
Now if you believe me, help me to wake Americans up by sending this out and see how far this message goes!
Dear XXXX,
I agree about the illegal immigrants in our country. Everyone talks about the burden that it is putting on our system but I believe the real issue is being ignored.
I walked into a building on 23rd street last Saturday, 4/2/06 right here in Oklahoma City, to see wall to wall people filling out paperwork. I read on the wall, in Spanish, that this was the consulate for Guatemala. Since when does an official government office, stay open on a Saturday?
I empathize with people wanting to better their lives. I am not a prejudice person. You know that I love the Spanish language and culture, so this is not about being prejudice towards any group of people. The real issue here is Corporate America shipping these people in by the truck loads which is why we have this problem in the first place. I know this because a driver got scared when I was living in New Mexico and abandoned an eighteen wheeler, leaving the trailer locked and filled with illegal immigrants. Of course, the entire trailer load of people died! Using an eighteen wheeler to get these people into this country indicates to me that big money is behind this. I understand this because I drove a truck for thirty-five years.
These big corporations go do business in countries that expect to pay their people a dollar a day. Then they want to bring that idea back to America and force that it down our throats whether we like it or not. A good way to force the labor prices down is to flood the labor market with cheap laborers. We are getting real close to having a dictatorship by Corporate America right here in this country.
They force slavery on the uneducated laborers knowing that most of them are not educated enough to speak up or fight back. Or they are so afraid of losing their livelihood that they don’t dare speak up. That is if they are even smart enough to figure out that they are being forced into slavery in the first place. I know from personal experience in the trucking industry that they utilize the ploy of being a "real he-man" to keep the drivers from using their brains. You would think that most people would be smart enough to figure out that if they can't control enough of their own time to take the time to stop for a shower everyday that that is more like slavery than a job. Truck drivers are so afraid of not being viewed as “real he-men” that they ridicule anyone who tries to stand up for their right to be treated like a human being. When the practice of not allowing your employees time to take a shower becomes so ingrained that people accept and expect it, they will start on the next level of laborers. No one seems to understand this or if they do they don’t have the courage to stand up to their bosses and speak out about what they are doing.
If someone does find that kind of courage they count on their ability to discredit the person so no one will believe what they say while they merrily continue with their insidious plan to enslave the lower classes in America. I keep trying to tell everyone what they are doing but everyone seems to think that I am Chicken Little running around saying, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
This isn't about being prejudice against anyone. It is about protecting our right to FREEDOM in America.
They tried to eradicate the Jews in Germany and most of the Jews never fought back because they could not believe that things were as bad as they were. When they finally realized how bad it was it was too late to fight back. It looks like people will always take the easy way out and try to hope for the best no matter what country they live in.
As long as everyone who has a nice safe career refuses to look at what is being done to the lower classes, Corporate America will continue to erode our FREEDOM.
Now if you believe me, help me to wake Americans up by sending this out and see how far this message goes!
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