Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Maggie's Law

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I was searching the web and found this Insurance site that had this information on it:

“Maggie's Law, the recently signed New Jersey statute which turns drowsy driving into a criminal offense, could reportedly significantly increase the legal risks employers face from extended hours operations. …

Maggie's Law is intended to address the dangers of drowsy driving. Several scientific studies have reportedly demonstrated that people who have been awake for 24 hours are impaired to the same level as someone with a blood-alcohol level of .10 percent, which is recognized as legally drunk in all states.

The 24 million Americans who work in extended hours jobs outside the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. will reportedly be particularly affected by Maggie's Law.
Many extended hours employees routinely stay awake for 24 hours on their first nightshift of the work week. Similarly, medical professionals and other emergency services personnel are often required to remain on-duty for 24-hour shifts. In emergency situations, utility linemen and technical support personnel work up to 48 hours without rest. These employees are confronted daily with the challenge of drowsy driving.”

Visit the links I copied to read the entire article.

Emma's comments on this article:
This just proves that trucking is not the only industry that is abusing their workers.

However, they are the only ones pushing their employees to the point that they can’t bathe, that I know of.

Instead of getting mad at me for pointing out how inhumane this is, why aren’t we all standing together and saying enough is enough!

I can’t tell you how many people have tried to tell me, to my face that their job was just as bad as mine. They believe that since they suck up; keep their mouths shut and do as they are told that I should keep my mouth shut too. This, in my opinion, is a cowardly position to take.

Why in the world would you accept someone else stealing your life? Don’t you believe that you are “worthy” of being treated with respect. Do you really believe that life is supposed to be about you making someone else rich? Were you born just so someone else can use you to create their profit?

If someone else can tell you what you must do with your time more than you, yourself are able to decide what to do with your time, how can you think that you are free?

If the workers of a country are not free how can that country tell the world that their country is free?

Sometimes I just want to shake people and scream wake up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!


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