I say impeach President Bush and try him for war crimes!
Emma Beverage
1225 N. Kate Ave., Apt 138
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-2061
Congressman Istook,
I want to take a minute of your time to let you know that I support the Fair Tax Movement and would like for you to take a serious look at this. The poor in this country are getting real tired of footing the bill for the rich man’s games. The rich were allowed to avoid taxes under Eisenhower’s administration to prevent outsourcing America’s resources. Today they are outsourcing everything and it is time to renegotiate everything accordingly. If that is not done soon I would suggest that it is time for a “tea party!”
I also support ‘Public Citizens” clean up Washington’s movement. If you are not part of the solution then you ARE part of the problem. Even if the problem is that you are only looking the other way and allowing it to happen.
I would also like to express my opinion about our President manipulating the American Public into an unjustified war with a country that had nothing to do with 911. The “crimes” that President Bush is getting by with are much worse, and involves millions of innocent civilians in both countries. What he is doing is MURDER! If someone came up to you on the street and put a gun to your head and demanded your money you would call that robbery. But we are allowing our president to use the military to do that to another country and we call it war? This is much more immoral and unethical than a President lying about sexual contact with someone other than his wife. That should have been a private matter between him and his wife. But we wasted how much of our taxpayers dollars to exercise this charade of morals in front of the public? Where is the outcry for morality while we murder the poor in both of our countries?
I say impeach President Bush and try him for war crimes!
If you do not want “Capitalism” to crumble the same way that “Communism” crumbled you had better start listening to the voice of the people who are being trod upon!
Emma Beverage
Emma Beverage
1225 N. Kate Ave., Apt 138
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-2061
Congressman Istook,
I want to take a minute of your time to let you know that I support the Fair Tax Movement and would like for you to take a serious look at this. The poor in this country are getting real tired of footing the bill for the rich man’s games. The rich were allowed to avoid taxes under Eisenhower’s administration to prevent outsourcing America’s resources. Today they are outsourcing everything and it is time to renegotiate everything accordingly. If that is not done soon I would suggest that it is time for a “tea party!”
I also support ‘Public Citizens” clean up Washington’s movement. If you are not part of the solution then you ARE part of the problem. Even if the problem is that you are only looking the other way and allowing it to happen.
I would also like to express my opinion about our President manipulating the American Public into an unjustified war with a country that had nothing to do with 911. The “crimes” that President Bush is getting by with are much worse, and involves millions of innocent civilians in both countries. What he is doing is MURDER! If someone came up to you on the street and put a gun to your head and demanded your money you would call that robbery. But we are allowing our president to use the military to do that to another country and we call it war? This is much more immoral and unethical than a President lying about sexual contact with someone other than his wife. That should have been a private matter between him and his wife. But we wasted how much of our taxpayers dollars to exercise this charade of morals in front of the public? Where is the outcry for morality while we murder the poor in both of our countries?
I say impeach President Bush and try him for war crimes!
If you do not want “Capitalism” to crumble the same way that “Communism” crumbled you had better start listening to the voice of the people who are being trod upon!
Emma Beverage
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