More Proof We’re Living In Orwell’s 1984
More incremental steps towards eradicating the peoples RIGHTS, while providing plausible deniability should the people wake up to their EVIL plan to depopulate the earth with multiple plans for GENOCIDE. Forget the many names they use to label what they are doing. Think about the resulting deaths from those actions. The labels are meant to keep you sleeping while people die right before your eyes. Endless wars, sanctions, migration, police brutality, pandemic, homeless during record weather extremes. They don't plan to change their activity that is contributing to climate change, they plan to reduce the strain on their system by reducing the population. All while claiming they were only voting on this corrupt bill but were unaware of the overall plan. And they didn't have the foresight to see how these two corrupt bills working together would have such devastating results. Example: Not providing enough low income housing coupled with refusing to raise the minimum wage. Who could have known that that would result in homelessness!
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