Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The DNC’s Secret Nuclear Option To Stop Bernie Sanders (Web Exclusive)

I just watched an excellent video by Jimmy Dore revealing who these
committee members are. I wrote this for his video but it applies here as
well. And this is how USA Murder Inc. est. with the Act of 1871, owned
by the Crown which is a permanent vassal of the Vatican, lies, cheats
and steals elections so that USA Murder Inc. actually selects the CEO
for their CORPORATION. All the while they brainwash the people into
believing that we are electing a president. Also all of our presidents
have 'blue blood' and are all related via DNA. The only candidate that
has this 'blue blooded' DNA in this election cycle is tRump! At least as
far as I know he is the only one with 'blue blood."


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