Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Living Beneath The 101 Overpass In LA

This is the result of extremely corrupt politics. In Germany they would have sent these people to a gas chamber. That taught the dark state that they could not get by with open genocide, they must disguise it. Poisoned water, lack of proper medical care. vaccinations that harm rather than heal, poisoned food supply, weather weaponized, endless wars. It does not matter what name you call it, if it causes people to die in large numbers IT IS GENOCIDE. People think they can look the other way, ignore it and it won't touch their lives. The California fires left a new wave of dead and homeless as well as the hurricanes and flooding. Most of America lives one or two paychecks away from being homeless themselves. We have the state stealing private land for rich oil companies as well as other outrageous things too numerous to list here. They shut down the insane asylums when I was young and that was the first of the creepy crawl of robbing the people while enriching the rich. What will it take to wake people up? Thanks for exposing this. If more people would just expose the corruption, the dereliction of duty that they themselves know about, maybe it would wake people up. Thanks for the video.


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