Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hearing on Fracking Wastewater Well in Sioux County, NE (clip)

Even if, climate change is not affected by what humans are doing, who wants to live with a hoarder? (Not trying to put people down who need help, but do we want our Sacred Earth to be so neglected?) Love your home, love your Sacred Mother. If life is Sacred while in the womb of the mother. That means life is still Sacred after birth. How do we treat life as if it is Sacred right now? We actually live, lives as though life is Sacred while in the mother's womb and it is Sacred again after death. Don't you find it a little strange that we allow a few to create a living hell for the many? But I digress. If life is Sacred, then everything that provides life must, by simple reason, also be Sacred. Using logic, we can live without food for the longest time. Therefore it is logical to place food as the first step up a ladder. The next step would be water. Mni Wiconi, for truly, water is Sacred. The third step is air. I am not sure of how long we can live without air but I think it is less than five minutes, so it only makes sense to see air as the most Sacred. We can't see it but it is most powerful. But wait! We have taken for granted overlooked, neglected, abused, raped and pillaged Our Sacred Mother Earth! For without HER, there would be NO life at all!


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