Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, June 07, 2024

“I Only Feel Safe In Peru!” – Dylan Mulvaney - When I came 'out' I was married and seeing a therapist during my process of trying to figure it all out. My therapist after months of therapy, tried to tell me that if I ever tried to make love to a woman that I would be so disgusted that I would never try it again. He said I was just too well balanced and healthy to really be a lesbian. Now, at the end of my life time and looking back I wonder if he wasn't projecting his own feelings about loving women off onto me. Anyway my best friend got tired of hearing what my therapist was saying so she took it upon herself to prove him wrong. Nothing romantic between us, just more or less an experiment to prove my therapist wrong. When I reported back to my therapist, he asked for my reaction. I responded by saying, "skin is skin." So no, I don't believe that the different ways that people express themselves sexually is the cause of, or expression of, mental illness. Anymore than I would assume that being heterosexual means that you are mentally healthy. Mental health is a separate issue than sexual expression. Just because Mother Nature makes one expression predominate because that is how our species reproduces and perpetuates itself, it does not mean that other expressions are because of mental illness. Both expressions can be found in all living creatures. As long as the activity is between consenting adults and is harming no one, it is really about as important as what you choose to have for breakfast. And any religion that teaches otherwise is the result of really plucked up and flawed human beings. I have rejected that kind of biased, flawed, harmful thinking long ago.


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