Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Assange Update: The United States Issues New Extradition Request

I honestly don't believe that they have a case. This is simply a way for EVIL to openly torture a Good man who dared to pull down the mask of respectability and expose this EVIL, that controls our world in secret. This acts as a deterrent to terrorize GOOD people so they won't have the courage to also expose this EVIL.

We can change nothing until we know the facts about the hierarchical structure of our world. To check my research enter these phrases into your browser: The Act of 1871, Empire of City States, Ring of Power. In my search I came across this four hour documentary that covers everything that I was discovering in my own research. This explains why our politicians do nothing for us because these traitors are actually working for an ancient, EVIL mafia that commits every EVIL ever conceived in their constant search to increase their wealth and power. You want to help change the world, watch this. https://jabajabba.com/ring-of-power/


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