Once bribed to make a program that would FLIP VOTES - Clint Curtis joins...
If you do not have a voting process that can not be cheated, the people will have no power in this country. I say count the votes 3 times by 3 different methods and all 3 must not have a difference of more than 1%. Just like you get 1 birth certificate for life, you should be registered to vote once, for life. When you move you update the address. That solves the problem of voter purges. Have a secure online site like we have for Social Security or banking and let people vote from any location and give them a week to vote so they can properly vet candidates and work the voting into their schedule. Easier to vote, increases participation and provides that instant gratification of knowing who is winning. That is the first step. The site generates a file that records the voters record of their vote which the voter prints out. No printer, take it to the library or Post Office and print it out. The hard copy of the vote is then mailed into the precinct, where it is ran through a machine to count the votes. That is the 2nd count that backs up and verifies the digital count. You can give people another week to complete the second step. The third step would be to hand count the hard copies. The vote is not official until all three methods are complete. That almost handles the gerrymandering as the voters current address can be matched with the census information and an algorithm in the computer could be designed to draw up the precincts. No CORPORATION should have control of our voting process. Do that and place an income CAP on income by taxing income above $750,000.00 per year at 100%. And last, victimless crimes should never be a crime. Do those things and it would totally transform this nation and give the government back to the people. Of course we need to convince some group to take on building this web site and encourage everyone to also vote on the new site. We could use the numbers to prove the cheating or set up our own government like our government tried to do with Venezuela.
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