Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Jacksonville Woman Attacked Then Arrested by Police | Hard Lens Media

We aren't supposed to have a standing army. Why do we need all of These
alphabet agencies? Why is it okay for the CIA to go into other countries
and topple their governments? I understand not wanting open borders but
why is making a request to enter a reason for throwing someone in jail,
ripping their kids away from them and often brutalizing or killing
them? The best way to stop having so many people seeking asylum is to
stop bombing and murdering them in their countries. Abolish ICE, another
agency that has the power of life and death in their hands. Why do we
spend so much money on equipment that makes our police look like an
invading army? And why do police routinely get by with violently
attacking and murdering us? It is as if they are herding us through
fear. Or rounding us up to be used as slaves in our privatized prison
system. There are some things that should never be privatized, like our
voting. Abolish the police or at the minimum de-fund them. I am sick of


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