Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Security State Using Coronavirus To Implement Orwellian Nightmare

like ‘The Ring of Power’ has decided that in order to continue
with their obscene opulent lifestyles that they must eradicate the
majority of the population, replacing their labor with robots. What
humans that remain will be tightly caged and controlled like the hog
farmer does to their pigs. I guess we are about to reap what we sowed
by looking the other way as they stole land and resources from other
countries and massacred their people with genocidal wars. We not only
propped this evil up but idolized them allowing them to be above the
law, completely unaccountable to laws used to terrorize and control
large segments of our population. Allowing them to brainwash and
control us and some have even committed their evil acts for them in
exchange for a few copper coins. All of the military, police and
alphabet agencies are here to protect and serve the evil rich. You
and I are their enemies.


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