Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Asked : If You Or Bernie Sanders Is Cheated, Will You Prot...

Tulsi was asked what she would do if the DNC cheats again. To be fair to Tulsi a woman stood up to obfuscate the original question before Tulsi could answer but this is the most politically motivated word salad that I have ever heard from Tulsi. I hope people keep asking her this until she can get her response more concise and more straight forward. This was her response: "If there are those, in our party or the other party who are undermining the people, then we have to speak out on that. That's our duty and our responsibility. I have done this throughout my time in public service. It is what I will continue to do because my vow of public service, my commitment and dedication to serving the people of this country is not predicated on a party loyalty or loyalty to one group or another group my loyalty and my promise is to the people of this country and we are stronger, we're stronger as Democrats and we are stronger as Americans when we stay focused, all of us, on that mission and not be distracted by the noise or the chit chat or the strife and divisiveness that is really often used intentionally to distract us away from our mission of service and bring about the kind of positive change that we need to see. So that is what I would encourage everyone to do. As we head into this election cycle there's a lot of candidates who are running for president. Lets be a part of the solution. Let's be a part of the solution by speaking the truth and speaking out for the people, asking questions and holding our leaders accountable for the positions that they hold and then doing the work that's necessary in these elections to mobilize, get out the vote and to do what's necessary to shine the light. The DNC requires transparency. We didn't see a lot of that the last time around. So what changes that? This is my point. We can complain about it amongst each other or we can be a part of the solution. Every single person in this room has a platform and has the power of each of our voices to be constructive, to be positive, to be focused on the truth and serving the people of this country. That is what I hope we can do as we head into these elections." IMO The real point is: why are we allowing a privately owned corporation to act as the gate keepers to our voting process? Shouldn't this process be ran by the people? Shouldn't we eliminate potential candidates through a process of debates and allow the people to decide who they want eliminated from the process? We already know that both sides cheat. It is up to the people in every town to get involved in the election process and let your local officials know that we will not accept a process that is not honest and transparent.


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