Ivanka and Jared In Big Trouble
They could not get by with this if they did not have a lot of unethical people supporting them. That is why we are where we are today. LBJ did not conduct a real investigation into the murder of JFK & may have been involved in it. Bush did not conduct a real investigation into 9/11. Obama let the Bankers get by with the biggest heist in history & then allowed them 2 steal peoples homes as well. Pelosi does not want 2 impeach this criminal that has been committing one impeachable offense after another ever since he took office. Don't be surprised when this con man decides 2 take his military that he has bribed openly & set himself up as a dictator. When you can't count on those who are supposed 2 be the checks & balances of a system, 2 do their jobs, it is time 2 take them out & put people in who will do the job.
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