Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh's Troubling Views on Net Neutrality

As usual, the Republicans are so focused on getting someone in power who they believe will help them interfere with and control a woman's body that they are willing to put another immoral pussy grabber in an office that they are completely unqualified to hold. They think these unethical men are going to blur the constitutional mandate to keep church and state separated. First of all, Trump is not really a christian, he is willing to go along with these fanatics because it gives him a base that will support him fanatically. Are they going to be surprised to find out that the religion that rules the world and is behind all of the domination and control is not going to be their fanatical religion. By the time that they realize that they have cut their nose off to spite their face it will be too late. It will be comply or die. If you still have a brain that is not completely brainwashed, research the Act of 1871 to find out who really owns and controls America. Then study their horrifying history. A lot of us will not deserve this but if you are too lazy to educate yourself, sorry, you deserve exactly what you will get. Remember this, people who like to control others really don't care which team your rooting for in their fake theater. Their plan is to dominate and control everyone of us. And their plans to control us all will horrify everyone. Add a dot net to stopthecrime for full government documentation showing what their plans are. And youtube is no longer allowing us to comment on the video creators video. Probably an attempt to control the information being spread to people who are waking enough to value the information shared. I bet the video creators are going to love that! It is time to find sites where videos can still be shared and talked about freely. I have much more that I could share but this is already too long.


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