Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Tent City: Making a career out of homelessness (RT Documentary)

The slow genocide that has been created by the hidden powers that control our corrupt politicians. You don't think that the lack of jobs and the bankers repossessing homes that has exasperated the homeless problem is genocide? Maybe you should attempt to survive in extreme weather with no shelter being prodded like cattle from one place to another to keep you out of sight of those who are still able to keep a roof over their heads. What about the elderly homeless, too old and broken to work even if they could find a job. Heaven forbid that you should have a medical emergency! Add to that the police stealing your blankets or tents that you managed to buy with coins you got from begging on street corners. Unable to eat on a regular basis. Yes, this is a slow genocide by neglect and abuse. And a lot of Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless. Now the criminals in office are talking about stealing our Social Security that we paid into with every paycheck we earned our entire lives. We abandon them like a stray dog or cat and leave them to be tortured and abused by the psychopaths of society. Many of those psychopaths wear uniforms and are just doing their jobs. So how is this different from herding people into gas chambers? We silently allow the criminals in charge to triple our military budget so they can openly commit genocide in other countries and blame the homeless for being homeless. Then the religious fanatics try to scare us into conformity with their tales of hell! This is hell! Open your eyes, speak up and fight back!


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