Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"
I share this with a little trepidation because I am a witch. Witchcraft is often confused with Satanism by people who do not bother to do their homework. I have heard about Satanism via videos but I do not know anyone who practices this. As a witch my beliefs would never allow me to harm someone else and I would especially not harm an innocent child. I share this because I am appalled at the idea of anyone harming a child. Uneducated or brainwashed people often think that homosexuals prey on children. Most homosexuals would not prey on children, that is a myth perpetrated by some religions. Do homosexuals prey on children? Just as often as heterosexuals prey on children, would be my guess. The reason I have some fear about sharing this is because I know there are brainwashed people who believe that all homosexuals molest children and those types of ignorant people will also be the types of people who would refuse to see the difference between witchcraft and Satanism. So I share this, not to add to the brainwashing hysteria but to educate people that there is a real dangerous group, doing horrible things and they do need to be stopped but do not get hysterical and blame all alternative religions.
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