Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Chris Hedges Urban Poverty in America Made Me Question Everything Pt 1 & 2

This is an old video but it shows that we have been warned about what is happening to our country for quite awhile. "Capitalism is about exploitation." And we have been brainwashed to love the system that is used to rob and enslave the common people. We worship our masters who would kill everyone of us in a genocide and never blink an eye! Indeed that is exactly what they are preparing to do, and are already doing in plain sight. That is why they have stockpiled disposable coffins that are large enough to place four bodies in each coffin. (FEMA) This is not about convincing the rich to awaken their conscience. They have been born to their "privilege" and will never change. We must wake each other and figure out how to rescue the victims that are being genocide_d right now! Blacks with police and prisons, the elderly, mentally ill, disabled and extremely poor with homelessness. The ill with lack of medical care. We will never wake the rich but we must wake each other. We must convince the poor (police and military), that are enforcing the conditions of genocide on the population at large. For the "enforcers" of the evil plans of the rich, who are waking up, do what you must to keep your jobs but stop taking pleasure in beating and killing your brothers and sisters that the rich have hired you to control and murder. Pull your punches and create as little harm as you can manage. You are the tools of genocide. Those who hire you to kill for them would kill you just as quickly as they are having you kill others. WAKEUP!


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