Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, October 31, 2016

"Standing Rock" by Trevor Hall with #NoDAPL #StandingRock footage

OUR RELATIVES ARE BEING HARRASSED, AND ABUSED and having violence perpetrated upon them by the paid for goons who are protecting money rather than Sacred lives and Sacred water. Mni Wiconi! Please give them strength, Visualize and call out to our higher power, Great Spirit, God, Goddess, Buda, Yahweh, or whatever you call that Powerful Sacred Great Unknowable Force that we so often feel in our lives. May the Sacred protect and bless OUR WATER PROTECTORS WHO ARE BEING WARRIORS AND PUTTING THEIR OWN LIVES ON THE LINE, PLEASE BLESS THEM with courage and protect them as their treaties are dishonored and broken by our corrupt government that has lost touch with why we send them to Washington. We send them to take care of the needs of the people, not to steal from the poor and the common people. Not to continue robbing and stealing from our Red brothers and sister's nor from our brown or black or yellow brothers and sisters. This is a focal point that shows the world just how calloused, un-empathetic and uncaring those that we send to Washington are to the needs of the people! Please send your protection to these peaceful warriors. Each day, several times a day, I stop and hold the water protectors up into the light. I also hold the "way showers" and "truth tellers" and all those who act on morals and ethics even when that means to break or ignore man made laws that are not ethical or when man made "laws" actually create harm. I hold up John Perkins who wrote "Diary of an Economic Hitman." I hold up Smedley Butler who wrote "War is a Racket". I hold up Z Budapest author, teacher and grandmother of women's spirituality. I hold up our Way showers and our teachers: Scott Cunningham, LLewellyn, Merlin Stone, Margot Adler, Ruth Barrett, Fiona Morgan, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Anne Newkirk Niven, Lunaea Weatherstone, Mary Daly, Robin Morgan, Selena Fox, Black Elk, Susan Weed, Starhawk, Robert Graves, Shekhinah Mountaainwater, Kay Gardner, Lisa Vogal, Deepak Chopra, The Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Carlos Castaneda, Cochise, Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Chief Joseph, Chief Seattle, Tecumseh, Leonard Peltier, Jack Coler, Ron Williams, the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter and many more that are not named. I hold all these way showers and teachers up to the light with great gratitude for the work that they have done. For teaching us courage and that another way is possible. May these fearless leaders continue to act as inspiration and may they teach us courage, independence of thought and action and may their teachings guide us into a new day with equality and justice for all, for real, not just empty words that we say. We hold up the water protectors to the light and ask for their protection and safety. Cyndy Coppola who was arrested on her own land, Brandon Sazue Crow Creek Sioux Chairman, We hold up Amy Goodman, Candace Lebeau Minnecojou Lakota, Candi Brings Plenty Oglala Lakota Sioux, Tara Houska, Keanna Hagen, Irene Yeh of Ann Arbor Michigan, David Montgomery from California Mono, Chukchansi and Pit River and his mother a Paiute-Shoshone from Stillwater, Nevada. Let these peaceful prayer warriors continue to show outstanding courage to stand up to and stop the bullies of the world!

May our prayers bind anyone who wishes to act out in violence against us. We bind up those who would use force and intimidation to force their will, onto other people, against their will. We bind up Energy Transfer Partners and Kelcy Warren, the Bushes, the Clintons, Cheney, the Rothschild's, the Bilderberg's, and all of the rich whose only thought is how to make themselves richer with not a thought about how what they are doing may bring harm to others. Stop DAPL now. Stop all of the pipelines now. I banish the bullies now! Patriarchy falls, for the good of all! Patriarchy falls, for the good of all. Patriarchy falls for the good of all! Vote Jill Stein. So Mote It Be!


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