Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sneaking give-a-ways to big business into the new budget!

I was trying to clear out some of my emails when I read the following email from Public Citizen. Please read then go sign the petition to stop the give-a-ways to big business! Also consider calling your representatives with the numbers and scripts provided. We the people must wake up and let these bums know that we are watching and will remember what they do! Here is the email: Emma, Earlier today — after months of partisan grandstanding under the specter of a shutdown — Congress at last introduced legislation to fund the federal government for another year. Sadly, the 2,009-page “omnibus” bill contains several blatant giveaways to billionaires and Big Business: Preventing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from requiring publicly traded corporations to disclose their political spending — a commonsense rule to protect investors and our democracy from secret corporate influence. Eliminating overwhelmingly popular country-of-origin labels for pork and beef that Americans rely on to make informed choices about the food we eat — exposing yet again how so-called “trade” pacts threaten essential consumer safeguards we take for granted. Repealing the four-decade limit on exporting crude oil produced in America — a windfall for Big Oil of $170 billion over the next decade at a time when we should be slashing carbon pollution and moving toward energy independence. Blocking the IRS from modernizing its vague and outdated rules for political activity by nonprofits, which are routinely exploited by dark money groups — like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity — to funnel money into our elections. The House and Senate will vote in a matter of days. Tell your members of Congress: Remove the Big Business giveaways or VOTE NO on the whole bill. http://action.citizen.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=13044 We can’t let Congress sneak these corporate favors into the federal budget. Take action TODAY. Onward, Robert Weissman President, Public Citizen


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