Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Episode 702 - All Indicators Point To An Event Occurring In The Next 100...

Here is a non violent way that we can come together and demand that our voices be heard. Please do not say that this is impossible. If we get enough people to sign this, anything is possible.

Let’s use the established system to give the control of the government back to the people. With all the gerrymandering that goes on and all the fighting about people needing ID's to prevent voter fraud from happening, here is a plan that would give control of this government back to the people. As it is set up now, with the Electoral College we really have no voting rights, it is all for show to convince the people that we have some say in this system that enslaves us all. Let all of us get together and demand that they change how the system is set up so that we each and everyone of us have just as much power and influence as the 1%. First we must insist on getting rid of the electoral college because the Electoral College is the safe guard that keeps the 1% in control of our country. We want a system where every persons vote counts. One person, one vote.

The petition reads like this:
Voter registration should happen at the time and along with issuing a Birth Certificate. An immigrant would get their account when they become citizens. An internet account would be set up just like we do with our bank accounts. The account becomes active when the person reaches voting age. They can then access the account to update their address and find out where they are to vote, as well as preview what will be on the ballot. At the time they vote, Two receipts will be printed, showing exactly how they voted. One receipt is to be mailed into the county offices to be hand counted to make sure that the voting machines have not been hacked. The other receipt is to be kept with their income tax returns as a backup in case a problem develops and the votes need to be recounted. That way a person is registered to vote for life, no hurdles for the voter, they can vote where they are from any computer and accuracy for the count is built into the system so that the people can depend upon the accuracy of the system. This would provide a permanent "cure" for this issue and that way our great grandchildren will not have to revisit this issue.

Please go to this site, sign this petition and then share this on all of your web sites.

Petition to prevent voter fraud and allow the people to peacefully take back our country:


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