Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, November 03, 2014

Published on Oct 29, 2014 http://democracynow.org - A jury in Austin, Texas, is set to issue its decision today in a case that centers on a person's right to film police officers. Antonio Buehler says he was at a gas station in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day in 2012 when he used his phone to take pictures of a woman being Published on Oct 29, 2014 http://democracynow.org - A jury in Austin, Texas, is set to issue its decision today in a case that centers on a person's right to film police officers. Antonio Buehler says he was at a gas station in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day in 2012 when he used his phone to take pictures of a woman being Is Filming a Police Officer a "Domestic Threat"? Austin Activist on Tria...

Published on Oct 29, 2014
- A jury in Austin, Texas, is set to issue its decision today in a case
that centers on a person's right to film police officers. Antonio
Buehler says he was at a gas station in the early morning hours of New
Year’s Day in 2012 when he used his phone to take pictures of a woman
being arrested.


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