American Propaganda (Part 1) - The Most Brainwash People on Earth
This video is made by another country but it is important to listen to
everyone if you want to know the truth. How can we be involved in so
many wars and always be the knight in shining armor, the hero, the
Savior? The truth is that these wars are created by our
businesses/corporations who expect to be able to go into any country and
exploit the heck out of the people in exactly the same way that our
ancestors exploited the Indians and the black people and if the another
country tries to resist our American model of business we whip them into
shape and make huge profits on the wars and in rebuilding the country
that we invade while calling it a preemptive strike or we stage an
incident like Pearl Harbor of 9 11.
WARS of the United States of
America since 1950: Korean War 1950, First Indochina War (1950–1954),
Vietnam War (1953–1975), Laos Civil War (1953–1975), Lebanon crisis
(1958), Congo Crisis (1960–1965), Cuban Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961),
Colombian conflict (1964–present), War in Bolivia (1966–1967), Cambodian
Civil War...
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