My rant on the current Democrat/Republican Debate
I wish I was articulate and that my memory was good!
I listen to both the Republicans and the Democrats because that is the only way to really understand what is going on. That is if anyone can really understand; there are so many hands in the pot that it is hard to keep track of everything.
Still, because I do listen to both sides it is obvious to me when I am being fed propaganda, being brainwashed and having scare tactics used on me to try to intimidate me into complying with someone’s idea of how things should be.
I also love to watch “educational” shows on TV so I watch a lot of PBS. Last night I caught a comedian and I did not get his name, but he was talking about the rich being “addicted to money”. Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who understood this. But this comedian not only understood this but he was much more articulate than I am. His presentation was funny of course, but the serious insight that he shared was that of course there is a big hullabaloo over the policies that Obama is putting into place, have you ever seen someone who is addicted, share their drugs? Not unless they think there is something in it for them, otherwise they hoard their drugs for themselves.
I also watched Charlie Rose on PBS and he had an interview with Felix Rohatyn who is the author of “Bold Endeavors”. Felix Rohatyn pointed out that it is the duty of government to step in and regulate society. He said that the government does need to get involved to save things from time to time. And that the Republican Party is trying to use the term “nationalization” as a derogatory term to try to persuade people about the “evils” of liberalism. In other words the Republicans are throwing around the word “nationalization” trying to brainwash people into thinking that that is a horrible thing to do. Of course he expressed it better than I can; I am just trying to summarize what I can remember of what he said. He then proceeded to list ten projects that were “nationalized” in the past because it brought great benefit to the people to do that.
Louisiana Purchase
Erie Canal
Trans Continental Railroad
Land Grant Colleges, which were the beginning of FREE education
The Homestead Act
The Panama Canal
Rural Electrification
The GI Bill (free housing)
Interstate Highway System
“Give the people the government they need – but – only the government they need.”
When Charlie Rose asked him why so few people saw this coming he said because it was so profitable!
It is my opinion that when you steal from and exploit the poor, when you force them into slavery as many of our industries do: the trucking industry, taxi services, car washes, farm laborers, domestic services and any industry that commonly exploits illegal immigrants, when you exploit these people who are the backbone of our society you cause the foundation of our society to rot. When the foundation has rotted it will not support the castle built on that foundation and it all comes tumbling down.
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Charlie Rose also interviewed the founder of He had some very interesting things to say also. One of the things he said was that “he who dies with the biggest bank balance has not necessarily led the most interesting life”. He said that his goal was not to just make money, that he wanted to do good and make money. He pointed out that it used to be that you got a job and stayed there for twenty or thirty years and then retired. But it has not been that way for quite some time now. He said that we are all entrepreneurs, because of the unstable job market; we are constantly in the business of selling ourselves.
I noticed that myself when I worked for the Oklahoma Employment Commission. I noticed that employees were being forced to use temporary services in order to work at all. Of course I felt that this was a ploy by the “rich” to get around the laws that were brought about by the labor movement to protect the American worker. By using a “temp” service employers do not have to provide the worker with insurance. They can tell the employee to work in dangerous conditions because they are not held responsible since the employee is not their employee; they work for the temp agency. They can even persuade the employee to break the law and if the employee wants to be sent out on another job they know that they must comply or they will not be sent out on another job. You can say they have free choice in the matter but when your lively hood is dependent on submitting to these types of conditions it is the rare person who can find the courage to stand up to the status quo.
I feel that the solution to this is to insist that the “temp” service must provide the insurance and benefits that were provided before this movement towards temp agencies began.
Please people, for all of our good, do not fall for the propaganda because it sounds good. Do your homework, research the facts and do not be fooled because someone is loudmouthed, rude and does not allow people with opposing opinions the opportunity to talk.
I listen to both the Republicans and the Democrats because that is the only way to really understand what is going on. That is if anyone can really understand; there are so many hands in the pot that it is hard to keep track of everything.
Still, because I do listen to both sides it is obvious to me when I am being fed propaganda, being brainwashed and having scare tactics used on me to try to intimidate me into complying with someone’s idea of how things should be.
I also love to watch “educational” shows on TV so I watch a lot of PBS. Last night I caught a comedian and I did not get his name, but he was talking about the rich being “addicted to money”. Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who understood this. But this comedian not only understood this but he was much more articulate than I am. His presentation was funny of course, but the serious insight that he shared was that of course there is a big hullabaloo over the policies that Obama is putting into place, have you ever seen someone who is addicted, share their drugs? Not unless they think there is something in it for them, otherwise they hoard their drugs for themselves.
I also watched Charlie Rose on PBS and he had an interview with Felix Rohatyn who is the author of “Bold Endeavors”. Felix Rohatyn pointed out that it is the duty of government to step in and regulate society. He said that the government does need to get involved to save things from time to time. And that the Republican Party is trying to use the term “nationalization” as a derogatory term to try to persuade people about the “evils” of liberalism. In other words the Republicans are throwing around the word “nationalization” trying to brainwash people into thinking that that is a horrible thing to do. Of course he expressed it better than I can; I am just trying to summarize what I can remember of what he said. He then proceeded to list ten projects that were “nationalized” in the past because it brought great benefit to the people to do that.
Louisiana Purchase
Erie Canal
Trans Continental Railroad
Land Grant Colleges, which were the beginning of FREE education
The Homestead Act
The Panama Canal
Rural Electrification
The GI Bill (free housing)
Interstate Highway System
“Give the people the government they need – but – only the government they need.”
When Charlie Rose asked him why so few people saw this coming he said because it was so profitable!
It is my opinion that when you steal from and exploit the poor, when you force them into slavery as many of our industries do: the trucking industry, taxi services, car washes, farm laborers, domestic services and any industry that commonly exploits illegal immigrants, when you exploit these people who are the backbone of our society you cause the foundation of our society to rot. When the foundation has rotted it will not support the castle built on that foundation and it all comes tumbling down.
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Charlie Rose also interviewed the founder of He had some very interesting things to say also. One of the things he said was that “he who dies with the biggest bank balance has not necessarily led the most interesting life”. He said that his goal was not to just make money, that he wanted to do good and make money. He pointed out that it used to be that you got a job and stayed there for twenty or thirty years and then retired. But it has not been that way for quite some time now. He said that we are all entrepreneurs, because of the unstable job market; we are constantly in the business of selling ourselves.
I noticed that myself when I worked for the Oklahoma Employment Commission. I noticed that employees were being forced to use temporary services in order to work at all. Of course I felt that this was a ploy by the “rich” to get around the laws that were brought about by the labor movement to protect the American worker. By using a “temp” service employers do not have to provide the worker with insurance. They can tell the employee to work in dangerous conditions because they are not held responsible since the employee is not their employee; they work for the temp agency. They can even persuade the employee to break the law and if the employee wants to be sent out on another job they know that they must comply or they will not be sent out on another job. You can say they have free choice in the matter but when your lively hood is dependent on submitting to these types of conditions it is the rare person who can find the courage to stand up to the status quo.
I feel that the solution to this is to insist that the “temp” service must provide the insurance and benefits that were provided before this movement towards temp agencies began.
Please people, for all of our good, do not fall for the propaganda because it sounds good. Do your homework, research the facts and do not be fooled because someone is loudmouthed, rude and does not allow people with opposing opinions the opportunity to talk.
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